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Japan Food Street

inidividual glass balustrade_v1.jpg

This project is situated in Suntec City, where there is a stretch of Japanese restaurants located at the top most level inside one of the wings. Although there are quite a few well-known Japanese restaurants, the area does not draw enough passing by crowds, especially the stores around the connecting points are not as commonly visited by the general public.


Thus, to increase the patronage around the area, we targeted the mall-goers from level 1 where the atrium is connected to one of the train stations and office towers. In order to draw the attention, we came out with Japanese-inspired graphics to incorporate onto the glass balustrades as well as signage on top of the restaurants around the stretch. 

For this project, I was involved in the schematic design to producing the final artworks as well as the construction drawings for the signages. Overall, I get to do the conclusive package of what it takes to do communicative graphic design. 

Suntec City
Completed 2018
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